Note: A topic with no bullets following indicates that there is nothing of this type available or that if it does exist no information is available. Email the Guide. if you have any related information. Check nearby locations for the services you seek.
Updated: 3 April 2017
Explorer Chart: EL-19; EL-19A
- Airstrip located near Deep Creek.
- Rock Sound Airport; 242-334-2695.
- Bahamasair; 242-334-2124. Service to Nassau twice a day.
- Continental Gulf Stream; 800-231-0856; 800-525-0280. Service from Newark & Miami.
- Lynx; 888-; 954-772-9808. Service from Ft. Lauderdale.
- Souther Air; 242-334-2795; 954-359-8266. Service from Nassau.
- Twin Air; 242-334-2795; 953-359-8266. Service twice a week from Ft. Lauderdale.
- There are no good all weather anchorages available near Cape Eleuthera.
- In settled weather with light E winds I have seen vessels anchor overnight just SW of marina entrance channel.
- Bahamas Area Websites. Sites that can be searched for tourist and business information throughout the Bahamas.
- Cape Eleuthera Marina
- Eleuthera area information. Map and general information about the area.
- Baked goods can be ordered from Cape Eleuthera Marina.
Beverage Store
- Out Island Outfitters; in marina office building. Beer, wine, liquors, clothing, snacks.
Boat Rental / Charter
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; Barracuda Waterbike; Vanguard Pico sailboat.; Hobie Cat; 16' Carolina Skiff.
- Free book exchange located in Cape Eleuthera Marina office.
- There is a BTC Office in Rock Sound.
- Contact Marina to arrange for a rental car.
- Good cell phone service is available in the area from a nearby cell tower.
Cruisers Net
Coffee Shop
Customs & Immigration
- Customs; 242-334-2112; Rock Sound Airport.
- Immigration; 242-334-2055; Rock Sound Airport.
- Arrangements can be made for Customs & Immigration to the marina.
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; Extensive fishing charter options available exploit the resort's proximity to renowned deep water fishing spots.
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; Shell diesel at pier; gas nearby.
Government / Administrator
Groceries & Produce
- Cape Eleuthera marina can arrange for groceries.
- Produce can be delivered to Cape Eleuthera Marina from Nat's Produce, Rock Sound.
- Out Island Outfitters; in marina office building. Limited groceries available.
- Out Island Outfitters; in marina office building.
- Out Island Outfitters; in marina office building.
- WiFi service is available from the marina.
- BTC cellular data service is excellent in the area.
- Marina has a laundry room behind the office with 2 washers and 2 driers ($2/load; Feb2017).
- Villa apartments are available for rental.
Marina & Dockage
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; 65-slips; water, electricity. Rates (Dec 2010): $2.50/ft, slip; $0.60/kwh, electricity; $0.45/gal, RO water.
- Pinder's Marine; VHF Ch-16; Deep Creek. delivers to marinas.
- AID; Rock Sound
- Elite; Rock Sound
- Pinder's Marine; VHF Ch-16; Deep Creek. Yamaha dealer; outboard repairs.
- Clinic; 242-334-0077; 242-334-0074. Nurse available 24 hrs.
- The piling that marked the outer entrance to the channel into the marina basin was not in place in Feb 2017. Single red and green buoys (with blinking lights at night) mark the entrance about 100 m from the bulkhead.
- Caution there is a visible shoal spot on the SE corner of the basin entrance; favor N side of channel.
- DHL and FedEx service can be arranged by marina office.
- Lightspeed Shipping; 242-323-7767; 242-810-5976; Contact: Nathalia Gibbs. A new operation serving Nassau, Eleuthera, and Long Island. Items sent to their shipping point in Pompano Beach FL will be transported by air to the local airport on the island. They will provide package tracking information and handle Customs. They will also provide personal shopping services from vendors in the Pompano Beach area. Use their website to set up an account to ship your package.
- "Bahama Mama" babysitting service; contact resort office.
- 242-334-8207; Deep Creek.
- Mail addressed to yacht name may be forwarded to marina for pickup.
- Tank refills from Rock Sound.
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; 4500 acre resort; villas; resort facilities for vacations and destination weddings.
- A new restaurant was established on the S side of the entrance channel in mid 2016. It offers lunch and dinner; 1100 to 2200 hrs.
- Barracuda's Bar is now located in the restaurant building.
- Bahamian Coffee House, N side of basin; gifts & t-shirts.
- Out Island Outfitters; in marina office building. Open: 0800 - 1700. Straw work available.
Snorkeling & Scuba Diving
- Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; On-site dive shop offers many options.
- Friendly Bob; VHF Ch-16.
- Contact marina to arrange for a taxi.
- A beautiful new pool is in operation overlooking the S side of the entrance channel.

- Deep sea fishing, bonefishing: Contact marina.
- With deep water located just off shore, deep sea fishing is a major attraction for the area. Cape Eleuthera Marina has facilities for fishing tournaments and there are two tournaments held there annually.
- Extreme watersports; kayaking; windsurfihg; Cape Eleuthera Marina; 242-334-8500; 888-270-9642; Water skiing; Wakeboarding
- Beach Activities: Beach volleyball, beach badminton, horseshoes, tetherball.
- Tennis
- Kayak touring.
- Windsurfing.
- Cape Eleuthera Institute; 242-334-8552; info@ceibahamas.or. A world-renown research facility promotes conservation, sustainability, and natural resource management. Contact for tours and programs on: sharks, ocean farming, coral reef surveys, green living, flats ecology and bonefish, prehistoric and historic settlements, and sustainable food production.
- The Island School of Cape Eleuthera Institute offers a semester program for high school students.
- Trash bins located around marina for guests. Recycle bins available.
- Trash bins are available in settlements.
VHF Protocol
- Standard.
- Marina monitors VHF 16
- Cape Eleuthera Marina. RO water.
- Marine Weather Center; Daily SSB, webcast, & email forecasts by Chris Parker. Note: Best reception in this area is usually on 4045 KHz USB Simplex at 0630 AST.
- Bahamas Met Office website provides weather forecast for local areas throughout the Bahamas.
Topics: 13 Jan 12